Accounting — Quotes

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Quikk tracks which Xero user makes updates to this type of record.

The following elements are tracked in the Quotes endpoint:

Field Information
Contact See Contacts
Date Date quote was issued - YYYY-MM-DD
Expiry Date Date quote expires - YYYY-MM-DD
Line Amount Types Exclusive, Inclusive or NoTax
Line Items The Line Items collection, see below
Sub Total Total of quote excluding taxes
Total Tax Total tax on quote
Total Total of Quote tax inclusive (i.e. Sub Total + Total Tax)
Total Discount Total of discounts applied on the quote line items
Updated Date UTC Last modified date UTC format
Currency Code The currency that quote has been raised in
Currency Rate The currency rate for a multicurrency quote
Quote ID Xero generated unique identifier for a quote
Quote Number Unique alpha numeric code identifying a quote
Reference Additional reference number
Branding Theme ID See Branding Themes
Title The title of the quote
Summary The summary of the quote
Terms The terms of the quote

Elements for Line Items

Field Information
Description The description of the line item
Quantity Line Item quantity
Unit Amount Line Item unit amount
Item Code See Items
Account Code See Accounts
Line Item ID The Xero generated identifier
Tax Type Used as an override if the default Tax Code for the selected Account Code is not correct
Tax Amount The tax amount is auto calculated as a percentage of the line amount based on the tax rate
Line Amount The line amount reflects the discounted price if a Discount Rate has been used i.e Line Amount = Quantity _ Unit Amount _ ((100 - Discount Rate)/100)
Discount Rate Percentage discount being applied to a line item
Tracking Section for optional Tracking Category

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