Accounting — Linked Transactions

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The following elements are tracked in the Linked Transactions endpoint:

Field Information
Linked Transaction ID The Xero generated identifier for a linked transaction.
Status The status of the linked transaction
Type This will always be BILLABLEEXPENSE
Source Transaction ID Source transaction identifier (the purchase component of a billable expense). Either an invoice with a type of ACCPAY or a banktransaction of type SPEND.
Source Line Item ID The line item identifier from the source transaction
Source Transaction Type Code The Type of the source tranasction. ACCPAY if the linked transaction was created from an invoice or SPEND if it was created from a bank transaction.
Contact ID The identifier for the contact on the target transaction i.e. the customer that the expense is being billed on to.
Target Transaction ID The identifier of the target transaction (the sale component of a billable expense)
Target Line Item ID The line item identifier from the target transaction
Updated Date UTC The last modified date in UTC format

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