Accounting — Batch Payments

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Quikk tracks which Xero user makes updates to this type of record.

The following elements are tracked in the Batch Payments endpoint:

Field Information
Account ID of the account used to make the payment
Particulars, Code, Reference (NZ Only) Optional references for the batch payment transaction
Details (Non-NZ Only) These details are sent to the org's bank as a reference for the batch payment transaction
Narrative (UK Only) Only shows on the statement line in Xero
Batch Payment ID The Xero generated unique identifier for the bank transaction
Date Date the payment is being made (YYYY-MM-DD)
Payments The collection of one or more payments that make up the batch, see below
Type PAYBATCH for bill payments or RECBATCH for sales invoice payments
Status AUTHORISED or DELETED. New batch payments will have a status of AUTHORISED.
Total Amount The total of the payments that make up the batch
Is Reconciled Show if the batch payment has been reconciled
Updated Date UTC UTC timestamp of last update to the payment

Elements for Payment

Field Information
Invoice The ID of the Invoice the payment was made against
Payment ID The Xero generated unique identifier for the payment
Bank Account Number The suppliers bank account number the payment is being made to
Particulars, Code & Reference (NZ Only) The information to appear on the supplier's bank account and bank statement
Details The information to appear on the supplier's bank account.
Amount The amount being paid

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