The following elements are tracked in the Projects endpoint:
Field | Information |
Project ID | Identifier of the project |
Contact ID | Identifier of the contact this project was created for, see Contacts |
Name | Name of the project |
Currency Code | A project's currency code in ISO-4217 format |
Minutes Logged | A total of minutes logged against all tasks on the project |
Total Task Amount | A summation of the total actuals amount of each project task |
Total Expense Amount | A summation of the total actuals amount of each project expense |
Minutes To Be Invoiced | Minutes which have not been invoiced across all chargeable tasks in the project |
Task Amount To Be Invoiced | A summation of Amount To Be Invoiced of each task in the project |
Task Amount Invoiced | A summation of Amount Invoiced of each task in the project |
Expense Amount To Be Invoiced | A summation of 'total' of each expense which is not invoiced in the project |
Expense Amount Invoiced | A summation of 'total' of each expense which is invoiced in the project |
Project Amount Invoiced | A summation of project amount invoices that is invoiced in the project |
Deposit | Deposit for the project |
Deposit Applied | Deposit amounts which have been applied to invoice/s as credit |
Credit Note Amount | A summation of credit notes in the project |
Deadline UTC | Deadline for the project |
Total Invoiced | A summation of Task Amount Invoiced, Expense Amount Invoiced, Project Amount Invoiced, Deposit, Deposit Applied and Credit Note Amount |
Total To Be Invoiced | A summation of the values values Task Amount To Be Invoiced and Expense Amount To Be Invoiced |
Estimate | Estimate for the project (currency and value) |
Status | Status of the project. INPROGRESS or CLOSED. A project is created with status of INPROGRESS. |